miercuri, 1 iulie 2009


"...most important for all of us is to know that there's a nadi which passes through left Vishuddhi into the heart. Starts from the heart, goes up, passes through Agnya. It has four petals, opens up.This is the one which gives you the state which is called as TURYA."

"We live in the three states.In the living - in the awakened state, JAGRUTI - our attention goes to this, that, and all that, we spoil our attention.
But the second one is the one what we call is that we sleep. When we sleep also all these things that have happened come to us from our past and things like that.
But then we go to the deeper sleep called as SUSHUPTI.Is a state where you have deep sleep, and you dream of something that is reality also. You may dream about me. Like it's the ethereal part of the subconscious where some beautiful informations are passed. Supposing I've come, say, to Italy. Italians might know in their in their SUSHUPTI that I have come here or maybe anybody might know, depends on.
But the fourth state is called as TURYA.There are two more states.You are in the TURYA state, is the fourth.TURYA means fourth. Fourth state is where, that you are in a thoughtless awareness state. When there is no thought - just think of it - when there is no thought you have to be innocent.When there is not thought you have to have vibrations.When there is no thought you cannot be attached to anyone. So into that thoughtless state you have come now, is the TURYA DISTHUTI. And in this state, when you are, these four petals which are within you have to open out in your brain. They come from your heart to your brain. And that is wen you absolutely understand what is God. Absolutely know what is God is. That is the time when one receives the real knowledge. But unless and until these four petals open one may fall back."

"So, when you are in the centre you witness, you start witnessing. When you steady yourself in the centre. Because some people are such that they start on the left, go to the right, they become so ego-oriented that it's impossible to deal with. But if you stay in the centre, that's the fourth side, is stayin the centre. TURYA is the fourth dimension. If you could stay on that then you become a witness. And that's the point where you start sucking the joy of every moment. Every moment, of everything, of every work , of every friendship, of ever relationship, of every understanding. "


OPEN JAZZ Festival Tirgu-Mures

Cea de-a cincea editie a OPEN JAZZ Festival Tirgu-Mures se desfasoara in serile de 26, 27 si 28 iunie in Piata Teatrului din Tirgu-Mures, reunind artisti de valoare din Italia, Franta, Danemarca, Ungaria, Serbia, Statele Unite si Romania.

La OPEN JAZZ nu e vorba numai de jazz, intre formatiile participante numarandu-se formatii de blues, de muzica traditionala balcanica si muzica clasica indiana, totul amestecat intr-o constructie speciala, intr-un eveniment care ajunge sa dobandesca un profil apreciat la nivel international.

Din nou in aer liber, din nou cu intrare libera, festivalul OPEN JAZZ incepe sa se contureze ca o manifestare emblematica pentru un oras multicultural cu profunde valente europene.

Turya Classical a concertat pe 26 iunie.

Anne Marie Ene – vioara
Victor Marius Beliciu – sitar
Avadhut Kasinadhuni - tabla.

duminică, 7 iunie 2009

-------------------- Purna Anand -------------------------

Teatrul „Maria Filotti” din Brăila (Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 2) cu sprijinul Ambasadei Indiei în România organizează concertul de Muzică Clasică Indiană Poorna Anand în ziua de 19 iunie 2009, ora 19. În program: muzica clasica indiana, bhajan şi qawwali. Interpretează grupul Turya Classical.

Componenta grup

Victor Marius Beliciu - sitar
A inceput studiul muzicii clasice indiene, la Budapesta, 1999-2002, la instrumentul sitar, alaturi de renumitul profesor Ondras Kozma si l-a continuat in India, gratie unei burse oferite in 2003 de Guvernul Indian, bursa extinsa pentru rezultate de excelenta pana in anul 2007. Este un exponent al scolii Senia Gharana, discipol al maestrului de faima internationala Padmabushan Pandit Debu Chaudhuri. Este licentiat al facultatii de Automatica si Calculatoare, Politehnica Bucuresti 1997-2002, specializarea Inteligenta Artificiala si absolvent al Academiei de Muzica U.M.A.K New Delhi sectia muzica clasica vocal si sitar 2003 - 2008. A sustinut un numar important de concerte in Romania , Ungaria , Turcia , Italia si in India, in temple, sali de concerte, la televiziune si radio, fiind adesea acompaniat de percutionisti de reputatie internationala, precum Dhurjay Bhaumik si Dave Bansraj. In 2005 creeaza Sistemul Periodic al Muzicii Classical Indiene care, impreuna cu formulele matematice aferente aduce o contributie importanta la constructia frazelor muzicale complexe si la evolutia Muzicii Clasice Indiene.

Anne Marie Ene - vioara
Anne-Marie Ene este licenţiata a Facultăţii de Interpretare Muzicala specialitatea vioara din cadrul Universitarii Naţionale de Muzica din Bucureşti (1995), a Trinity College London şi a Gandharva Mahavidyalaya din New Delhi;
In 1990 doamna Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,maestru spiritual recunoscut in intreaga lume si fina cunoscatoare a muzicii indiene ,i-a recomandat sa invete muzica indiana clasica. Anne Marie a studiat muzica indiană cu prof. Joy Shrivastavji, violonist al All India Radio (1996-1998)si dr Swarna Khuntia . A fost concert-maestru al Delhi Symphony Orchestra (2002-2003), profesor de vioara si pian la British School din New Delhi (2001-2006). A sustinut recitaluri si concerte in Romania, Bulgaria, Italia, India ,Franta, Germania, Serbia. În prezent, este artist instrumentist al Orchestrei de Cameră Radio şi al Orchestrei Filarmonicii Muntenia din Târgovişte (din 2007).
Avadhut tabla - (percutie traditionala indiana)
Avadhut este percuţionistul formaţiei. A inceput studiul instrumentului indian “tabla” in New Delhi cu maestrul Kamal Kant. Interpretează complicatele ritmuri indiene la instrumentul tabla.
Costi Baia - tanpura
Fascinat de sunetul acestui instrument studiaza tehnica de interpretare in 2006 New Delhi, India unde are oportunitatea sa participe la concertele organizat de SAM.


luni, 1 iunie 2009

========= INCREDIBLE INDIA ==========

Culture and Civilisation


June, the 4th , 2009

5.15 p.m.

Location: Genesis School (Soseaua Straulesti nr. 89A)
A Devotional Song for Opening the Event – Mrs. USHAKIRAN SUD (Hindi Teacher at the University of Bucharest – Foreign Languages Department);

5.15 – 5.20 p.m.
The Foreword of His Excellence - Mr. DEBASHISH CHAKRAVARTI (India’s Ambassador in Romania);

5.20 – 5.30 p.m.
India, an Incredible Country:

a. History, Geography and Literature – Mr. NANDKISHORE PAMWAR, the Representative of Indian Embassy: 5.30 – 5.50 p.m.

The representative of the Embassy, Mr. NANDKISHORE PAMWAR, will speak about the main important historical events in India’s history. We shall find out the names and the capitals of the Indian states and the official languages which are spoken in the country. Then we shall see and get familiarized with the Indian National Symbols.

b. Architecture and Tourist Objectives – Mr. SHYAM LAL SUD, Deputy

Director in the Government of India, Delhi: 5.50 – 6.10 p.m.;

Intricate buildings, perfect statues carved in the exterior walls of the

temples and natural colours covering the geometrical and flowering designs of

the pillars have fascinated people around the world when they visited India. All

these details will be given by Mr. Sud. He will also speak about the beautiful

places which you can visit in India.

c. Indian Classical Music: TURYA GROUP – 6.10 – 6.30 p.m;

Mr. Victor Beliciu, will play Indian classical music at the sitar.

d. Indian National Symbols – presented by Ileana Marginean, English

Teacher in Genesis School and Hindi Department graduater. – 6.30 – 6.50


d. Religions, Festivals and Cuisine: Mrs. USHAKIRAN SUD – 6.50 – 7.10 p.m.

India is a vast country with a large variety of religions, Hinduism being

the majority one. Festivals are directly connected with them. All the details will

be given by Mrs. Ushakiran Sud.

e. Dance and Costumes: MRS. CARMEN COTOVANU PESANTEZ –

7.10 – 7.30 p.m.

The types of Indian classical dances and the parts of the Indian costumes

will be presented by Mrs. Carmen Cotovanu Pesantez.

f. Workshop: “India, a spring of inspiration”: 7.30 – 8.00 p.m.

Children will paint, draw and colour or model in plasticine the Indian national symbols.
Indian Bazaar with food, Ayurvedic Products and Indian clothes and jewelleries.
You can listen to Indian music;
You can purchase Indian clothes, jewelleries, and other different objects for house decoration.
You can eat Indian specialities.
And you can have a talk with native Indians in order to use English for a better practice and for meeting other people and cultures.


duminică, 24 mai 2009

Festivalul International "Leonard " Galati , a sasea editie

Grupul TURYA CLASSICAL va sustine un concert de Muzica Clasica Indiana la Galati in cadrul festivalului international "Leonard" pe 29 Mai 2009 ora 18 la teatrul muzical Nae Leonard.

joi, 23 aprilie 2009


Ministry of Culture, Religious Affairs and National Heritage and The National Center of Art "Tinerimea Romana" are organizing the Indian Classical Music concert :


Tuesday May 12 2009 at 19:30, concert hall of the CNATR
Boulevard Schitu Magureanu No. 4 (metro station IZVOR) - tickets will be available at the house of a CNATR phone: 0213121962

luni, 20 aprilie 2009

Nabhi Chakra, Delhi, 31st Jan 1983

”Music is elevating to all – the effect in Sahaja Yoga is tremendous. If a Sahaja Yogi sings, it acts like a mantra on the being of the Holy Mother.”

Nature & Balance, and Music evening before Navaratri, Cabella, 4th Oct 1997

"All those musicians, who were singing western song... was alright... but what was missing in that... was melody... it's not melodious... like, little bit you sing... then you shout... then you bring it down... then... they think that they have to sing through their heart... express their feeling of their heart... artificially they want to produce that effect...there is no need. To sing in parts... there's no melody in it... there's no flow in it. [...] Now the music means it should please you... it should give you more entertainment... not to make you unhappy or sad... if you have all these feelings, then you should try to say 'yes there is a problem, but I'll get over it'... because you are a Sahaja Yogi... you have to show the victory ... the victorious nature of yours, in your music. Even the orchestras... they go kya kya kya... but Indian orchestras are melodious... so the difference is very great."


Purity is very important !

"When you were singing I felt the clouds were catching the notes, weaving them within themselves, and when it would rain, the rain would sing the song again, as if the valleys were resounding, so beautifully, and the echo was very gentle and filling the whole atmosphere.

Perhaps you are not aware of the subtlety of the Divine, how much it is anxious to work it out. But our trumpets and our flutes and our drums have to be all right. There has to be co-ordination -- complete synchronising -- then the melody is played in a beautiful way. Clouds only carry the purest water, the purest hymns, so when we are spreading the message we have to understand that it has to come from a pure soul."

marți, 24 martie 2009

Music of the soul

Turya Classical kindly invites you to the Dalles Hall for an evening of Indian Classical Music performance.
Turya Classical in colaborare cu Universitatea Ioan I. Dalles organizeaza concertul "Music of the soul" pe 30 martie 2009 orele 19:30 la Sala Dalles.

Bd. Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 18, Sector 1, Bucureşti, langa Intercontinental Hotel.

miercuri, 25 februarie 2009


Joi, 12 martie 2009 la Universitatea Naţională de Muzică Bucureşti, sala 46, corp C (et. 3), la ora 19.30 va avea loc recitalul de muzică indiană clasică susţinut de Turya Classical. În program: genurile raga şi bhajan.
Membrii formaţiei Turya Classical au studiat la universitaţile de muzică din România dar şi la academiile de profil din India. Vor putea fi ascultate timbrurile unice ale instrumentelor tradiţionale indiene: sitar, tabla, tanpura.
Recitalul face parte dintr-un proiect de promovare a valorilor culturale şi spirituale autentice, atât indiene, cât şi occidentale.
Intrarea liberă.

miercuri, 11 februarie 2009


Turya (or चतुर्थ ) is a state of pure consciousness, or the experience of ultimate reality and truth. It is a fourth state of consciousness that underlies and transcends the three common states of consciousness: the state of waking consciousness (जगराता), the state of dreaming (स्वप्न) , and dreamless sleep (सुसुप्ति)

"The fourth state is not that which is conscious of the subjective, nor that which is conscious of the objective, nor that which is conscious of both, nor that which is simple consciousness, nor that which is all-sentient mass, nor that which is all darkness. It is unseen, transcendent, the sole essence of the consciousness of self, the completion of the world"

Mandukya Upanishad

luni, 2 februarie 2009

Turya the fourth state of consciousness

"This is the state which we call, in sanskrit language, as the fourth dimension of awareness: TURYA. All the thoughts that come to us at this stage are divine thoughts, like inspirations. If we want to think we can think if we don't want to think we need not think.
This TURYA state sometimes starts establishing itself after awakening for hardly a few seconds,
then it goes on increasing and a person can achieve complete peace within his own mind "



"I am not Visva (aware) nor Taijasa (dreaming)
nor Prajna( in deep sleep) I am really the TURYA."

duminică, 1 februarie 2009


Grupul Turya Classical , reprezinta o imbinare fina intre est si vest, o fuziune interculturala ce urmareste promovarea muzicii indiene clasice autentice la instrumente cu corzi , sonoritatile indiene creand o nota distinctiva , unica in peisajul muzicii autohtone. Muzica isi are orginea in vremurile vedice si este folosita in Ayurveda ca terapie pentru vindecarea pacientilor promovand un stil de viata fericit si sanatos.