miercuri, 1 iulie 2009


"...most important for all of us is to know that there's a nadi which passes through left Vishuddhi into the heart. Starts from the heart, goes up, passes through Agnya. It has four petals, opens up.This is the one which gives you the state which is called as TURYA."

"We live in the three states.In the living - in the awakened state, JAGRUTI - our attention goes to this, that, and all that, we spoil our attention.
But the second one is the one what we call is that we sleep. When we sleep also all these things that have happened come to us from our past and things like that.
But then we go to the deeper sleep called as SUSHUPTI.Is a state where you have deep sleep, and you dream of something that is reality also. You may dream about me. Like it's the ethereal part of the subconscious where some beautiful informations are passed. Supposing I've come, say, to Italy. Italians might know in their in their SUSHUPTI that I have come here or maybe anybody might know, depends on.
But the fourth state is called as TURYA.There are two more states.You are in the TURYA state, is the fourth.TURYA means fourth. Fourth state is where, that you are in a thoughtless awareness state. When there is no thought - just think of it - when there is no thought you have to be innocent.When there is not thought you have to have vibrations.When there is no thought you cannot be attached to anyone. So into that thoughtless state you have come now, is the TURYA DISTHUTI. And in this state, when you are, these four petals which are within you have to open out in your brain. They come from your heart to your brain. And that is wen you absolutely understand what is God. Absolutely know what is God is. That is the time when one receives the real knowledge. But unless and until these four petals open one may fall back."

"So, when you are in the centre you witness, you start witnessing. When you steady yourself in the centre. Because some people are such that they start on the left, go to the right, they become so ego-oriented that it's impossible to deal with. But if you stay in the centre, that's the fourth side, is stayin the centre. TURYA is the fourth dimension. If you could stay on that then you become a witness. And that's the point where you start sucking the joy of every moment. Every moment, of everything, of every work , of every friendship, of ever relationship, of every understanding. "


OPEN JAZZ Festival Tirgu-Mures

Cea de-a cincea editie a OPEN JAZZ Festival Tirgu-Mures se desfasoara in serile de 26, 27 si 28 iunie in Piata Teatrului din Tirgu-Mures, reunind artisti de valoare din Italia, Franta, Danemarca, Ungaria, Serbia, Statele Unite si Romania.

La OPEN JAZZ nu e vorba numai de jazz, intre formatiile participante numarandu-se formatii de blues, de muzica traditionala balcanica si muzica clasica indiana, totul amestecat intr-o constructie speciala, intr-un eveniment care ajunge sa dobandesca un profil apreciat la nivel international.

Din nou in aer liber, din nou cu intrare libera, festivalul OPEN JAZZ incepe sa se contureze ca o manifestare emblematica pentru un oras multicultural cu profunde valente europene.

Turya Classical a concertat pe 26 iunie.

Anne Marie Ene – vioara
Victor Marius Beliciu – sitar
Avadhut Kasinadhuni - tabla.